I'm so excited! In July I get stay in this cabin for ten days as a part of the Denali National Park's Artist-in-Residence program. During that time, I'll get to explore the wilderness and...WRITE. Apparently this cabin has a "bear door." I'm curious to know what that looks like and if it will be needed. Yikes. I've had a recurring dream, during times of stress, that I'm inside a log cabin and a grizzly bear is trying to push his (her?) way inside and all I can do is push against the door with all my might. Let's hope that's pure symbolism and not prophecy.

What is it like to sleep in a place of perpetual light? Or what is it light to work in a place with perpetual darkness?

Geologic time is now!
For us Southern Californians it's hard to imagine a terrain where the land is always in motion--where icebergs break apart and travel downriver--when there exists a particular day come springtime when ice begins to move and solid becomes fluid, carving into the land new patterns and textures.
For us Southern Californians it's hard to imagine a terrain where the land is always in motion--where icebergs break apart and travel downriver--when there exists a particular day come springtime when ice begins to move and solid becomes fluid, carving into the land new patterns and textures.